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Ultrasound Teeth Cleaning
Tartar Removal without anaesthesia

Book 10 treatments for £90
Get 1 treatment Free
* introductory offer only Limited time only.
Four out of five dogs have dental problems caused by dental plaque and tartar. An effective remedy our Ultrasonic Toothbrush !
It supports the destruction of bacteria on the teeth and the gum, up to 12mm deep into the gingival pockets.
Ultrasonic with up to 96 million vibrations per minute helps in conjunction with the forming microbubbles, in the destruction of bacteria, tartar and plaque in your dog!
Non Invasive
Kills Bacteria
No Anaesthetic
No Sound
Prevents Tooth Loss
Freshens Breath
No Stress
* If you are a dog groomer and would like to offer this as a service in your salon, give us a ring for more info.
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